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Témoignages publiés sur Tabs4acoustic depuis 2004! N'hésitez pas à ajouter le votre, ça fait toujours plaisir.
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love this site, but since i found it my fingers really hurt :bof: any chance of a forum in the near future.........? ;) keep up the good work. dangermouse

dangermouse666, 14 Dec 2006.

V good site, well impressed with it! and no pop up ads thank god!

PJ, 14 Dec 2006.

votre site est sympa mais comme tan76 il manque les apèges et un peu de patitions sinon vraiment super mer

mignien etienne, 13 Dec 2006.

:heart: :heart: super ce site vive la guitare :!:

tabs4gratte.skyblog.com, 13 Dec 2006.

votre site est vraiment bien fait. sa faisait longtemp que j'en cherchai un comme sa. j'esper que plus tar vous ferez aussi les tablatures pianno! merci et a la prochaine :)

niko, 12 Dec 2006.

erm.. great site.. but i have a little problem to understand the internettab thing..

YouNameIt, 09 Dec 2006.

This site is wkd, u should put a reference to all the cords though and how to play them on a different page (im learning and it would be a gr8 help to learn all the cords) ty... :8 :) :8

AJ, 09 Dec 2006.

good site

Owner, 07 Dec 2006.

There is a FREE Cultural music festival, which is called the UNITYFEST, it is held every year in Melbourne. All welcome. For enquires Ph. Rohan ie: (03) 9783~3196...

adrian (bluesman) storey, 05 Dec 2006.

i m very intrested on music.. i want tabs,staff, and some tricks of playing guitar..... it will b very greatful if u e-mail some these............... thanking you.. dines

dines, 04 Dec 2006.

salut a tous! bon vais pas me repeter sur la qualité des transcription j'ai déja dit ce que j'en pensais plusieurs fois :) le seul truc que je regrette c'est l'abscence des arpèges notamment pour les intro...Dans pas mal de morceaux,l'interet principal reste l'introstairway to heaven,knowking on heaven doors...) et je trouve que ca manquemalheureusement...m'enfin le reste est de bonne qualité mais c'était une petite suggestion comme ca voil

tan76, 03 Dec 2006.

Merci pour les partitions, tous les bons classiques sont l

Guiom, 02 Dec 2006.

Hey, what's up. I read through all your tabs and really enjoyed my time. About 'Creep', from Radiohead. I play a different version, it probably isn't right. But it sounds real good, and it doesn't need a capo. It goes.... G: 355433 ?: 224442 C: 032010 ?: 3310xx You can pick through those chords in the intro all the way through until the chorus, strum them through the chorus all the way through to the second verse, and then play them again for the 2nd chorus. Or, you can play these for the second chorus... G#?: 355xxx ?: x233xx ?: x355xx ?: 331xxx I learned this by ear, so I'm certain it isn't right, but it's easy and it's fun, and I know alot of beginners out there don't have capos. Anyway, thanks for the tabs, and keep em commin'.

Mike, 02 Dec 2006.

:D :) :heart: :D

xavier, 01 Dec 2006.


benyou, 28 Nov 2006.

voila votre site est geeenial mai kom je sui po tre debroullarde $je me demande ou eske on trouve les partoches facile ac les acord de base!! :!: :!: :!: sinon this is a grat site lol :heart: :heart: :D :) mercipour se site <i>réponse webmaster: sur le forum ;)</i>

cloclo, 23 Nov 2006.

Great stuff! Thanks for the share.

Brian, 22 Nov 2006.

vivre music!

juls, 18 Nov 2006.

i was wondering if i could help build your website. i could help with the lessons please reply

luke, 18 Nov 2006.

ou je peut trouver un cour complet pour perfectionner le guitar acoustic sur pdf :)

petit technicien, 16 Nov 2006.

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La musique est une révélation plus haute que toute sagesse et toute philosophie.
(Ludwig van Beethoven)