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Témoignages publiés sur Tabs4acoustic depuis 2004! N'hésitez pas à ajouter le votre, ça fait toujours plaisir.
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je suis un débutant de la guitare acoustic et j'aimerais avoir des documents concernant l'apprentissage

zebe tioma, 27 Dec 2006.


Myu-ji, 27 Dec 2006.

:) wesh cool

polete, 26 Dec 2006.

:grr: SO BORING!!!!!! IM SORY BUT NO GOOD GOTH MUSIC! <i>webmaster: mdr l'autre qui cherche de la musique goth ici </i>

guitarchick, 26 Dec 2006.

Good place and I'll forever credit this place for teaching me how to play my first song 'Mexican Hat Dance'. Thanks for giving me the walk-through on the chords of a guitar and that the numbers with the letters stood for the frets. I don't know if this place could help me with this, but how do you tune a guitar? I just totally messed mine... :(

Knyrd, 26 Dec 2006.


MTorger, 25 Dec 2006.

Thanks for your hard work in putting all these together. Great job :) I enjoyed it and learned alot as well. ;)

SparkyG, 25 Dec 2006.

me revoil

tan76, 24 Dec 2006.

I was not able to find much helpful info for beginners! im only 14 but still I NEED HELP :grr: :grr: :( :( :!: :!:

needhelp4meh, 23 Dec 2006.


laf, 23 Dec 2006.

:( I was not able to find much helpful info for beginners!

CN, 23 Dec 2006.

:) vraiment bien le site!

rock-love-songs, 22 Dec 2006.

je me répète maai...ce site est génial!!! :) :heart: :heart: joyeuses fete ;)

tabs4gratte, 22 Dec 2006.

:8 Dude! this site is awesome! Lots of good songs and it's like the only site that hasn't been shut down!! This is such a freakin good site!!!! :8

Dol, 21 Dec 2006.

:( vs zavé mm po une PARTITION de guitare ke des tablatures ... rrro

fan2rad, 20 Dec 2006.

lovin the site, could do wit more songs.. would love to see more and more songs

knocksvil, 20 Dec 2006.

hi guys your site is awesome, the best guitar tab site i have ever seen before! Keep playing guitar! :)

Jacky, 19 Dec 2006.

:8 bravo pour ce site !!! jai kan meme progressez grace a vos tab alor comme jai trouve ski me falle jpense revenir assez vite !!! merci et surtou continuez !!!!! :!:

moa_clems, 19 Dec 2006.

This website has helped me out a lot. Now I can play the guitar better than ever and play songs that I like too :!: My cousin and I are even starting a band sometime soon. Thanks for all of the help, guitar_chick_2010

Guitar_chick_2010, 17 Dec 2006.

je trouve que votre site est trés bien continué comme sa c'est asser cool !!!!!

adrien, 14 Dec 2006.

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La musique est une révélation plus haute que toute sagesse et toute philosophie.
(Ludwig van Beethoven)