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No More Time tab

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Tablature gratuite No more time pour guitare acoustique. Partition Xentrix avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: No more time Ukulele

Accords (11)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C5 (x,3,5,5,x,x)
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Accord E (0,2,2,1,0,0)
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Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
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Accord E5 (0,2,2,x,x,x)
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Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord F5 (1,3,3,x,x,x)
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Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G5 (3,5,5,x,x,x)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
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Accord A5 (x,0,2,2,x,x)
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Accord B5 (x,2,4,4,x,x)
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Tabbed : 11 Oct 2011
Exclusive on tabs4acoustic.com

[Am Am][F F][Am Am][F F]
[Am Am][F F][Am Am][E E]
[Am Am][F F][Am Am]
[E E]>let ring (E E)(E E)
[Am Am]>let ring  (Am Am)

1st verse :
Am Am               Em Em                 Am Am           G G       |
Look around this place and see just what is happening    |
  Am Am               Em Em           F F               (F F)      | Let ring  
Tomorrow we will suffer for the way that we have been    |
             G G                (G G)                        |
It's our own lives we're shortening                      |
      Am Am          Em Em                  Am Am            G G
While everyone pretends that there is nothing to explain
Am Am             Em Em            F F               F F
Poisons and neglected relics out live us and always will be
G G            G G>let ring     E E>let ring
Justified by what we gain

Chorus :
Am Am       Am Am
No more time
      F F                 F F  
Man's greed corrupt and unconcerned
Am Am      G G
No more time 
F F -  G G - F F - G G - F F -     G G  -  F F -  G G -
Look around you will we ever learn

Am Am>let ring G G>let ring F F>Let ring E E>let ring 

2nd verse:
   Am Am                 Em Em                Am Am              G G
As bought time ticks away we must think carefully and choose
   Am Am            Em Em        F F                  F F
Forget about our future or learn to live with limitations
G G                  G G
Knowing what we've got to lose
Am Am               Em Em     Am Am            G G
 Many things to work for many more to work against
Am Am            Em Em        F F           F F
Everything disposable resources unreplacable
    G G               G G             E E>Let ring
All profits at our world expense

Chorus :
Am Am       Am Am
No more time
      F F                 F F  
Man's greed corrupt and unconcerned
Am Am      G G
No more time 
F F -  G G - F F - G G - F F -     G G  -  F F -  G G -
Look around you will we ever learn

Am Am>let ring G G>let ring F F>Let ring E E>let ring 
Am Am>let ring G G>let ring F F>Let ring E E>let ring 

Solo :
[Am Am]> let ring (Am Am)
[Am Am][Am Am][Am Am][Em Em]
[Em Em][Em Em][Am Am][Am Am]
[Am Am][G G][G G][G G]
[Am Am][Am Am][Am Am][Em Em]
[Em Em][Em Em][Am Am][Am Am]
[Am Am][G G][G G]

[A5 A5][F5 F5-G5 G5][A5 A5][F5 F5-G5 G5] x3


[A5 A5][F5 F5-G5 G5][A5 A5][F5 F5-G5 G5]
[A5 A5][A5 A5][E5 E5-F5 F5-E5 E5-G5 G5][E5 E5-F5 F5-E5 E5-G5 G5]
[A5 A5][G5 G5][E5 E5-F5 F5-E5 E5-G5 G5][E5 E5-F5 F5-E5 E5-G5 G5]
[B5 B5-C5 C5-B5 B5-D5 D5][B5 B5-C5 C5-B5 B5-D5 D5][G5 G5][Am Am]>let ring

3rd verse:
Am Am               Em Em     Am Am         Em Em
Mass produced solutions idealistic luxury
Am Am                Em Em            F F          F F
Facts and figures always quited calculated to mislead us
G G             G G
Always taken literally
Am Am             Em Em            Am Am            Em Em
 People making so much money wanting only more
Am Am               Em Em     F F                   F F
 Causing so much misery taking from a place
            G G              G G          E E>Let ring
That no one bothers to restore

Chorus :
Am Am       Am Am
No more time
      G G               G G  
Man's greed corrupt & unconcerned
Am Am      Am Am
No more time 
G G           G G    F F        F F   Am Am>let ring
You will we ever learn


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