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Me In Honey tab

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Tablature gratuite Me in honey pour guitare acoustique. Partition R.E.M. avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: Me in honey Ukulele

Accords (7)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C# (x,4,6,6,6,4)
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Accord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
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Accord E (0,2,2,1,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G# (4,6,6,5,4,4)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord B (x,2,4,4,4,2)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
Voir photo de l'accord


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Main riff:

    C# C#                            G# G#
E-|------------------         E-|------------------
B-|------------------         B-|------------------
G-|-6---6-6----6-6-6-         G-|------------------
D-|-4h6-6-6----4-4-4-         D-|-6---6-6----6-6-6-
A-|-4---4-4----4-4-4-         A-|-4h6-6-6----4-4-4-
E-|------------------         E-|-4---4-4----4-4-4-

Intro: [C# C#] x8

1st verse:
  C# C#                             C# C#         
I sat there looking ugly looking ugly and mean,
C# C#                                  C# C#         
Knew what you were saying, you were saying to me
C# C#                         C# C#                           C# C#   C# C#
Baby's got some new rules, baby said she's had it with me
C# C#               C# C#                 C# C#    C# C#
Seems a shame to waste your time on me
C# C#             C# C#                 C# C#    C# C#
Seems a lot to waste your time on me

G# G#         G# G#
Left me to love,
G# G#          G# G#       C# C#    C# C#   C# C#   C# C#
  What it's doing to me 

2nd verse :
        C# C#                        C# C#                       C# C#  C# C#        
There's wild honey in this world, baby there's honey so sweet
       C# C#                    C# C#          C# C#    C# C#
If you got to do what you do, do it with me
C# C#               C# C#                 C# C#    C# C#
Seems a shame to waste your time on me

G# G#         G# G#
Left me to love,
G# G#          G# G#       C# C#    C# C#   C# C#   C# C#
  What it's doing to me 

3rd verse :
C# C#                          C# C#         
Knocked a silly knock flat, sideways down
      C# C#                       C# C#         
Those things they pick you up, turn you around
C# C#              C# C#                   C# C#   C# C#
Say your piece, say you're sweet for me
        C# C#            C# C#                  C# C#    C# C#
If it's all the same, share the pain with me
        C# C#            C# C#                 C# C#    C# C#         
If it's all the same, save the shame for me

G# G#         G# G#
Left me to love,
G# G#          G# G#       C# C#    C# C#   C# C#   C# C#
  What it's doing to me 

        C# C#            C# C#                  C# C#    C# C#
Baby's got some new rules, baby said she's had it with me
        C# C#            C# C#                  C# C#    C# C#
There's a fly in the honey, baby's got a baby with me
        C# C#            C# C#                  C# C#    C# C#
That's a part, that's a part of me

G# G#         G# G#
Left me to love,
G# G#          G# G#       C# C#    C# C#   C# C#   C# C#
  What it's doing to me 
G# G#         G# G#
Left me to love,
G# G#          G# G#       C# C#    C# C#   C# C#   C# C#
  What it's doing to me 
           C# C#    C# C#
What about me
           C# C#    C# C#
What about me

Ending : [C# C#]


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On ne joue jamais de la musique pour perdre ou gagner quelque chose, juste pour exprimer des émotions.
(Dan Ar Braz)