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The Hobbit - Song Of The Lonely Mountain tab

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Tablature gratuite The Hobbit - Song of the lonely mountain pour guitare acoustique. Partition Neil Finn avec accords pour débutant

Accords (8)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Accord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
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Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
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Accord F#m (2,4,4,2,2,2)
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Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
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Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Bm (x,2,4,4,3,2)
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Accord B7 (x,2,1,2,0,2)
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Changer de tonalité :
1st verse:
     Em Em                      Em Em
Far over the Misty Mountains rise
        D D                 Em Em
Lead us standing upon the height
           Bm Bm               F#m F#m
What was before we see once more
       G G      -  D D       Em Em
Is our kingdom a distant light

2nd verse:
      Em Em                 Em Em
Fiery mountain beneath a moon
                 D D                      F#m F#m
The words aren't spoken, we'll be there soon
           Bm Bm               F#m F#m
For home a song that echoes on
            G G      -     D D        Em Em
And all who find us will know the tune

Em Em
    Some folk we never forget
Em Em
    Some kind we never forgive
    Haven't seen the back of us yet
Am Am
    We'll fight as long as we live

Em Em
    All eyes on the hidden door
Em Em
    To the Lonely Mountain
    We'll ride in the gathering storm
Am Am
    Until we get our long forgotten gold

3rd verse:
       Em Em                        Em Em
We lay under the Misty Mountains cold
            D D                   Em Em
In slumbers deep, and dreams of gold
         Bm Bm                 F#m F#m
We must awake, our lives to make
           G G       -  D D        Em Em
And in the darkness a torch we hold

4th verse:
           Em Em                Em Em
From long ago where lanterns burned
           D D                   F#m F#m
Until this day our hearts have yearned
         Bm Bm              F#m F#m
A A fate unknown, the Arkenstone
         G G     -  -  D D  Em Em
What was stolen must be returned

Am Am - G G - Am Am G G Am Am

         Em Em               Bm Bm
We must away ere break of day
            C C   - -  D D         Am Am
To find our song for heart and soul

Em Em
    Some folk we never forget
Em Em
    Some kind we never forgive
    Haven't seen the back of us yet
Am Am
    We'll fight as long as we live

Em Em
    All eyes on the hidden door
Em Em
    To the Lonely Mountain
    We'll ride in the gathering storm
Am Am
    Until we get our long forgotten gold

     C C  -    B7 B7    -         Em Em
Far away the Misty Mountains cold.


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(Dan Ar Braz)