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Space Oddity tab

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Tablature gratuite Space Oddity pour guitare acoustique. Partition David Bowie avec accords pour débutant
starCette chanson fait partie des tablatures connues

Accords (14)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord E (0,2,2,1,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Fm (1,3,3,1,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord FMaj7 (x,x,3,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G9 (3,5,3,4,3,5)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord A# (x,1,3,3,3,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
Voir photo de l'accord


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Comment lire une Tablature

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Changer de tonalité :
D7/F# : 200212

[Fmaj7 Fmaj7][Em Em][Fmaj7 Fmaj7][Em Em]

C C                        Em Em
 Ground control to Major Tom
C C                        Em Em
 Ground control to Major Tom
Am Am   -     Am7/G Am7/G   -         D7/F# D7/F# 
 Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
C C                        Em Em
 Ground control to Major Tom
C C                             Em Em
 Commencing countdown engines on
Am Am   -   Am7/G Am7/G  -       D7/F# D7/F#>let ring      
 Check ignition and may God's love be with you

(NC) x3

C C                               E E
This is ground control to Major Tom
                       F F
You've really made the grade
        Fm Fm   -         C C    -               F F
And the papers want to know whose shirt you wear     
         Fm Fm   -            C C    -         F F
Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare

C C                              E E
This is Major Tom to ground control
                         F F
I'm stepping through the door
        Fm Fm   -        C C    -        F F
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
         Fm Fm   -         C C    -      F F
And the stars look very different today

    Fmaj7 Fmaj7     Em Em
For here am I sitting in a tin can
Fmaj7 Fmaj7         Em Em
Far above the world
A# A#  -           Am Am   -           G G    -        F F 
Planet earth is blue and there's nothing I can do   

[C C--F F--G G-A A-] x2
[Fmaj7 Fmaj7][Em Em][A A][C C][D D][E E]

C C                                     E E
Though I'm cross one hundred thousand miles
                  F F
I'm feeling very still
      Fm Fm   -             C C    -             F F
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
        Fm Fm   -          C C    -         F F
Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows

G G    -             G9 G9     -       Am Am       -               C C     -
Ground control to Major Tom, your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
        D D
Can you hear me Major Tom?  
        C C
Can you hear me Major Tom?
        G G
Can you hear me Major Tom? Can you...

    Fmaj7 Fmaj7     Em Em
For here am I sitting in a tin can
Fmaj7 Fmaj7         Em Em
Far above the world
A# A#  -           Am Am   -           G G    -        F F 
Planet earth is blue and there's nothing I can do   

[C C--F F--G G-A A-] x2
[Fmaj7 Fmaj7][Em Em][A A][C C][D D][E E]
[E E] (fade out)


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La musique n'est pas un métier, c'est la vie, tout simplement ! L'interprétation, ce n'est pas le travail de dix minutes, de dix jours ou d'un mois, c'est le produit de toute la vie.
(Grigory Sokolov)