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Complicated tab

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Tablature gratuite Complicated pour guitare acoustique. Partition Avril Lavigne avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: Complicated Ukulele

Accords (5)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Dm (x,x,0,2,3,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Gm (3,5,5,3,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord A# (x,1,3,3,3,1)
Voir photo de l'accord


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Comment lire une Tablature

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Changer de tonalité :
Dm Dm      F F- C C  -
  Uh huh,  life's like this 
Dm Dm              F F -          C C   -  
  Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is 
Dm Dm   F F  -   C C   - 
      Cause life's like this 
Dm Dm              F F -          C C   -  
  Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is 

1st verse :
F F 
 Chill out, what you yelling for? 
Dm Dm 
 Lay back, it's all been done before 
A# A#                     C C 
 And if you could only let it be, you will see 
F F 
 I like you the way you are 
Dm Dm 
 When we're driving in your car 
A# A#                        C C 
 And you're talking to me one on one, but you become 

Pre-chorus :
A# A# 
Somebody else, round everyone else 
Dm Dm  
Watching you back, like you can't relax 
    A# A# 
You try to be cool, you look like a fool to 
C C>let ring 
Me, tell me 

Dm Dm          -                 A# A#       -      C C      -    
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? 
  C C           -
I see the way you're 
Dm Dm             -            A# A#       -        C C      -     
Acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated 
    C C     -
And life's like this you 
Dm Dm         -       A# A#        -
 You fall, and you crawl, and you break 
        F F              -            C C       -
And you take, what you get, and you turn it into 
Gm Gm>let ring                                          A# A#>let ring
Honestly you promised me I'm never going to find you faking
        F F
No, no, no 

2nd verse :
F F 
 You come over unannounced 
Dm Dm 
 Dressed up like you're something else 
A# A#                            C C 
 Where you are and where it's at you see, you're making me 
F F 
 Laugh out when you strike a pose 
Dm Dm 
 Take off all you're preppy clothes 
A# A#                           C C 
 You know you're not fooling anyone when you become 

Pre-chorus :
A# A# 
Somebody else, round everyone else 
Dm Dm  
Watching you back, like you can't relax 
    A# A# 
You try to be cool, you look like a fool to 
C C>let ring 
Me, tell me 
Dm Dm          -                 A# A#       -      C C      -    
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? 
  C C           -
I see the way you're 
Dm Dm             -            A# A#       -        C C      -     
Acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated 
    C C     -
And life's like this you 
Dm Dm         -       A# A#        -
 You fall, and you crawl, and you break 
        F F              -            C C       -
And you take, what you get, and you turn it into 
Gm Gm>let ring                                          A# A# 
Honestly you promised me I'm never going to find you faking
        F F    Dm Dm    A# A#   C C
No, no, no 

3rd verse :
F F 
 Chill out, what you yelling for? 
Dm Dm 
 Lay back, it's all been done before 
A# A#                     C C>let ring
 And if you could only let it be, you will see 

Pre-chorus :
A# A# 
Somebody else, round everyone else 
Dm Dm  
Watching you back, like you can't relax 
    A# A# 
You try to be cool, you look like a fool to 
C C>let ring 
Me, tell me 

Dm Dm          -                 A# A#       -      C C      -    
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? 
  C C           -
I see the way you're 
Dm Dm             -            A# A#       -        C C      -     
Acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated 
    C C     -
And life's like this you 
Dm Dm         -       A# A#        -
 You fall, and you crawl, and you break 
        F F              -            C C       -
And you take, what you get, and you turn it into 
Gm Gm                                                   A# A#>let ring
Honestly you promised me I'm never going to find you faking... No, no,
Dm Dm          -                 A# A#       -      C C      -    
Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated? 
  C C           -
I see the way you're 
Dm Dm             -            A# A#       -        C C      -     
Acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated 
    C C     -
And life's like this you 
Dm Dm         -       A# A#        -
 You fall, and you crawl, and you break 
        F F              -            C C       -
And you take, what you get, and you turn it into 
Gm Gm                                                   A# A#>let ring
Honestly you promised me I'm never going to find you faking

No, no, no...


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Toute la bonne musique a déjà été écrite par des mecs avec des perruques.
(Frank Zappa)