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Tablature gratuite You Know I'm No Good pour guitare acoustique. Partition Amy Winehouse avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: You Know I'm No Good Ukulele

Accords (6)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Accord Dm (x,x,0,2,3,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord E (0,2,2,1,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord B7 (x,2,1,2,0,2)
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Capodastre en case 5

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Changer de tonalité :
Intro : 
Drums (x2)
[Am Am-Em Em] (x4)

1st verse :
Am Am                         Dm Dm
Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard
     E E                          Am Am
Your rolled up sleeves in your skull t-shirt
     Am Am                   Dm Dm
Said what did you do with him today?
    E E                     Am Am
And sniff me out like I was Tanqueray

Dm Dm               Dm Dm
 Cause you're my fella my guy
B7 B7             B7 B7
 Hand me your Stella and fly
C C                C C
 By the time I'm out the door
    B7 B7                E E     
You tear me down like Roger Moore

Am Am                Em Em
 I cheated myself
       B7 B7     Em Em
Like I knew I would
  Am Am            Em Em
I told ya I was trouble
    B7 B7               Em Em
You know that I'm no good

Drums (x2)

2nd verse :
Am Am                    Dm Dm
 Upstairs in bed with my ex-boy
E E                       Am Am
He's in the place but I can't get joy
Am Am                     Dm Dm
Thinking of you in the final throws
E E               Am Am
This is when my buzzer goes

Dm Dm                  Dm Dm
 Run out to me your chips and pitta
B7 B7                                B7 B7
 You say when we're married Cause you're not bitter
C C                   C C
There'll be none of him no more
  B7 B7                   E E
I cried for you on the kitchen floor

Am Am                Em Em
 I cheated myself
       B7 B7     Em Em
Like I knew I would
  Am Am            Em Em
I told ya I was trouble
    B7 B7               Em Em
You know that I'm no good

Bridge : [Am Am][Em Em][B7 B7][Em Em] x2

4th verse :
Am Am                Dm Dm                   |
 Sweet reunion, Jamaica and Spain      | Let
E E                 Am Am                   | Ring
We're like how we were again           |
Am Am                     Dm Dm
I'm in the tub, You're on the seat
E E                   Am Am
Lick your lips as I soak my feet

Dm Dm                      Dm Dm
 Then you notice lickle carpet burn
B7 B7                    B7 B7
 My stomach drops and my guts churn
C C              C C
 You shrug and it's the worst
   B7 B7              E E
to truly stick the knife in first

Am Am                Em Em
 I cheated myself
       B7 B7     Em Em
Like I knew I would
  Am Am            Em Em
I told ya I was trouble
    B7 B7               Em Em
You know that I'm no good
Am Am                Em Em
 I cheated myself
       B7 B7     Em Em
Like I knew I would
  Am Am            Em Em
I told ya I was trouble
    B7 B7               Em Em
You know that I'm no good

Outro : [Am Am][Em Em][B7 B7][Em Em] x3


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L'amour de la musique est inconditionnel.
(Joss Stone)