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Into The Great Wide Open tab

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Free Into the great wide open tab for the acoustic guitar. Learn to play Tom Petty with easy chords for beginners

Chords (11)

How to read and play chords for beginners

Chord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Chord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
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Chord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
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Chord Em6 (0,2,2,0,2,0)
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Chord Em7 (0,2,2,0,3,0)
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Chord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
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Chord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
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Chord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
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Chord Am/G (3,0,2,2,1,0)
Chord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
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Intro : [Em Em][Em+7 Em+7][Em7 Em7][Em6 Em6]  x2

1st verse :
Em Em     Em+7 Em+7           Em7 Em7                 Em6 Em6
 Eddie waited till he finished high school
Em Em          Em+7 Em+7       Em7 Em7          Em6 Em6
 He went to Hollywood, got a tattoo
Am Am        Am/G Am/G                Am Am         Am/G Am/G
 He met a girl out there with a tattoo too
    G G          F F    C C    C C    /G -- C C - G G -- G G -\
The future was wide open.

2nd verse :
Em Em            Em+7 Em+7            Em7 Em7             Em6 Em6
 They moved into a place they both could afford 
Em Em          Em+7 Em+7               Em7 Em7             Em6 Em6
 He found a nightclub he could work at the door
Am Am         Am/G Am/G           Am Am                  Am/G Am/G
 She had a guitar and she taught him some chords
    G G   F F       C C     C C       /G -- C C - G G -- G G -\ /G -- C C - G G -- D D -\
The sky was the limit.

Chorus :
G G        C C          D D   D D G G          Em Em       D D     Am Am
Into the great wide open, under them skies of blue
G G          C C          D D   D D   G G        F F     Em Em     A A
Out in the great wide open, a rebel without a clue

/G -- C C - G G -- G G -\ /G -- C C - G G -- G G -\

Solo :
[Em Em][Em+7 Em+7][Em7 Em7][Em6 Em6]  x2

3rd verse :
Em Em          Em+7 Em+7           Em7 Em7                Em6 Em6
 The papers said Ed always played from the heart
Em Em         Em+7 Em+7        Em7 Em7            Em6 Em6
 He got an agent and a roadie named Bart
Am Am           Am/G Am/G          Am Am               Am/G Am/G
 They made a record and it went in the charts
     G G  F F       C C      C C     /G -- C C - G G -- G G -\
The sky was the limit.

4st verse :
Em Em           Em+7 Em+7       Em7 Em7                  Em6 Em6
 His leather jacket had chains that would jingle
Em Em             Em+7 Em+7         Em7 Em7            Em6 Em6
 They both met movie stars, partied and mingled.
Am Am       Am/G Am/G         Am Am           Am/G Am/G
 Their A A&R man said "I don't hear a single."
     G G         F F    C C      C C    /G -- C C - G G -- G G -\ /G -- C C - G G -- D D -\
The future was wide open.

Chorus :
G G        C C          D D   D D G G           Em Em      D D     Am Am
Into the great wide open, under them skies of blue
G G           C C          D D   D D  G G        F F        Em Em     A A
Out in the great wide open, a rebel without a clue.
G G        C C          D D   D D G G           Em Em      D D     Am Am
Into the great wide open, under them skies of blue
G G          C C          D D    D D  G G        F F        Em Em     A A
Out in the great wide open, a rebel without a clue.

/G -- C C - G G -- G G -\ /G -- C C - G G -- G G -\ >let ring


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Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.
(Ludwig van Beethoven)