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Just Tonight tab

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Free Just Tonight tab for the acoustic guitar. Learn to play The Pretty Reckless with easy chords for beginners

Chords (6)

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Chord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Chord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
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Chord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
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Chord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
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Chord B (x,2,4,4,4,2)
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Chord B7 (x,2,1,2,0,2)
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1st verse:
Em Em       C C       G G                D D
 Here we are and I can think from all the pills, hey
Em Em          C C               G G     D D
  Start the car and take me home
Em Em       C C       G G                   D D 
 Here we are and you're too drunk to hear a word I say
Em Em          C C               G G      Dx
 Start the car and take me home

       Em Em            C C              G G            D D
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away
         Em Em              C C         G G              D D
When the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right
       Em Em      C C                G G              B7 B7
And if I, I am through then it's all because of you
       C C>let ring   (C C)
Just tonight

2nd verse:
Em Em      C C      G G               D D
 Here I am and I can't seem to see straight
Em Em           C C                  G G     D D
 But I'm too numb to feel right now
Em Em          C C  G G                         D D
 And here I am watching the clock that's ticking away my time
Em Em       C C                  G G      Dx
 I'm too numb to feel right now

       Em Em            C C             G G             D D
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away
         Em Em              C C         G G              D D
When the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right
       Em Em      C C                 G G              B7 B7
And if I, I am through then it's all because of you
       C C     C C
Just tonight
       B7 B7   B7 B7
Just tonight

       C C          G G         B7 B7           B7 B7
Do you understand who I am, do you wanna know?
        C C          G G          B7 B7  B7 B7            C C>let ring   (C C) 
Can you really see through me now I am about to go
           Em Em            C C               G G               D D      | Let
But just tonight I won't leave and I'll lie and you'll believe  | Ring
       Em Em>let ring  C C>let ring                      
Just tonight I will see
     G G              Dx   
It's all because of me

       Em Em            C C              G G            D D
Just tonight I will stay and we'll throw it all away
         Em Em              C C         G G              D D
When the light hits your eyes it's telling me I'm right
       Em Em      C C                 G G              B B
And if I, I am through then it's all because of you
       Em Em     C C
Just tonight
     G G              B B
It's all because of you
       Em Em     C C
Just tonight
     G G              B B
It's all because of you
       Em Em     C C
Just tonight
     G G              B B
It's all because of you
       C C>let ring
Just tonight


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