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A Hard Day's Night tab

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Free A Hard Day's Night tab for the acoustic guitar. Learn to play The Beatles with easy chords for beginners
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Ukulele Version: A Hard Day's Night Ukulele

Chords (10)

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Chord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
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Chord C7 (x,3,2,3,1,0)
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Chord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
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Chord D7 (x,x,0,2,1,2)
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Chord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
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Chord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
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Chord F9 (1,3,1,2,1,3)
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Chord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
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Chord G7sus4 (3,5,3,5,3,3)
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Chord Bm (x,2,4,4,3,2)
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Change Key :
G7sus4 G7sus4>let ring  (G7sus4 G7sus4)

1st Verse/Chorus
            G G    C C     G G    G G              F F      F F       G G    G G
It's been a hard day's night and I've been working like a dog
            G G    C C     G G    G G            F F       F F       G G    G G
It's been a hard day's night I should be sleeping Like a log
           C C            C C             D D                D D             G G    C7 C7  G G     G G
But when I get home to you I find the thing that you do will make me feel alright

2nd Verse/Chorus
           G G    C C   G G  G G           F F    F F           G G      G G
You know I work all day to get you money to buy you things
         G G                C C        G G  G G             F F      F F     G G     G G
And it's worth it just to hear you say you're gonna give me everything
          C C              C C                  D D        D D               G G    C7 C7 G G     G G
So why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you alone you know I feel O--K

Bridge :
(G G)      Bm Bm  Bm Bm Em Em          Em Em         Bm Bm     Bm Bm   Bm Bm    Bm Bm
When I'm home   everything seems to be right
(Bm Bm)     G G   G G  Em Em          Em Em         C7 C7   C7 C7 D7 D7     D7 D7
When I'm home   feeling you holding me tight,  tight yeah

3rd Verse/Chorus
            G G    C C     G G    G G              F F      F F       G G    G G
It's been a hard day's night and I've been working like a dog
            G G    C C     G G    G G            F F       F F       G G    G G
It's been a hard day's night I should be sleeping Like a log
           C C            C C             D D                D D             G G    C7 C7  G G     G G
But when I get home to you I find the thing that you do will make me feel alright

Solo :
[G G][C C][G G][G G][F F][F F][G G][G G] x2

          C C              C C                  D D        D D               G G    C7 C7 G G     G G
So why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you alone you know I feel O--K

Bridge :
(G G)      Bm Bm  Bm Bm Em Em          Em Em         Bm Bm     Bm Bm   Bm Bm    Bm Bm
When I'm home   everything seems to be right
(Bm Bm)     G G   G G  Em Em          Em Em         C7 C7   C7 C7 D7 D7     D7 D7
When I'm home   feeling you holding me tight,  tight yeah

4th Verse/Chorus
            G G    C C     G G    G G              F F      F F       G G    G G
It's been a hard day's night and I've been working like a dog
            G G    C C     G G    G G            F F       F F       G G    G G
It's been a hard day's night I should be sleeping Like a log
           C C            C C             D D                D D             G G    C7 C7  G G     G G
But when I get home to you I find the thing that you do will make me feel alright
           G G    C7 C7 G G    G G
You know I feel alright
           G G    C7 C7 F9 F9   F F   F9 F9 F F (fade)
You know I feel alright


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