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Society tab

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Free Society tab for the acoustic guitar. Learn to play Eddie Vedder with easy chords for beginners
Ukulele Version: Society Ukulele

Chords (4)

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Chord D (x,x,0,2,3,2)
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Chord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
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Chord Bm (x,2,4,4,3,2)
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Chord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
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[Bm Bm]x4

1st verse :
D D   -       A A    -     D D
 Oh, it's a mystery to me
          D D    -     G G   -          A A         
We have a greed with which we have agreed
        G G   -             A A     -          Bm Bm
And you think you have to want more than you need
  G G   -           A A     -         Bm Bm      Bm Bm
Until you have it all you won't be free

Chorus :
    G G                   D D
Society, you're a crazy breed
                A A              Bm Bm    Bm Bm
Hope you're not lonely without me

2nd verse :
         D D   -              A A    -             D D
When you want more than you have you think you need
             D D    -              G G   -                A A         
And when you think more than you want your thoughts begin to bleed
  G G   -           A A     -      Bm Bm
I think I need to find a bigger place
                 G G   -              A A     -          Bm Bm         Bm Bm
Because when you have more than you think you need more space

Chorus :
    G G                   D D
Society, you're a crazy breed
                A A              Bm Bm
Hope you're not lonely without me
    G G             D D
Society, crazy indeed
                A A              Bm Bm    Bm Bm
Hope you're not lonely without me

Solo :
[D D-A A][D D][D D-G G][A A]
[G G-A A][Bm Bm][G G-A A][Bm Bm]
[G G][D D][A A][Bm Bm][Bm Bm]

         D D  -     A A    -     D D          D D   -      G G  -      A A

       G G   -   A A   -   Bm Bm                   G G   -    A A -  Bm Bm

     G G          D D            A A           Bm Bm          Bm Bm

3rd verse :
        D D   -           A A    -             D D
There's those thinking, more or less, less is more
       D D    -        G G   -          A A         
But if less is more, how you keeping score?
          G G   -           A A     -        Bm Bm
Means for every point you make, your level drops
G G   -              A A     -           Bm Bm              Bm Bm
 Kinda like you're starting from the top, you can't do that.

Chorus :
    G G                   D D
Society, you're a crazy breed
                A A              Bm Bm
Hope you're not lonely without me
    G G             D D
Society, crazy indeed
                A A              Bm Bm
Hope you're not lonely without me
    G G               D D
Society, have mercy on me
                A A               Bm Bm
Hope you're not angry if I disagree
    G G             D D
Society, crazy indeed
                A A      A A       Bm Bm    Bm Bm    Bm Bm>let ring
Hope you're not lonely  without me...


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Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.
(Victor Hugo)