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Témoignages publiés sur Tabs4acoustic depuis 2004! N'hésitez pas à ajouter le votre, ça fait toujours plaisir.
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je veux obtenir des cours de guitare

oussama, 06 Apr 2008.


BLAZED, 30 Mar 2008.

Hi, Thanks for all of the Tabs and advices to start guitare. I learn on my own, and that's quite helpful. All the best, Sakura Hime

sakurahime, 30 Mar 2008.

cool site

richard lawrence, 29 Mar 2008.

a par 1 petit manke 2 tab c 1 trè bon site

matrop, 28 Mar 2008.

this site is amazing :)

mustafa, 28 Mar 2008.

Super ce site, je passe ma vie dessus a apprendre a jouer des trucs plus connus aue mes morceaux classiques ringards!! Merci :heart:

lalou, 23 Mar 2008.

LOVE IT! :heart:

morgan, 17 Mar 2008.

Pourquoi y'a jamais de partitions de batteries sur le web! :( Vous oubliez les batteurs non d'un chien!!! :8 Comment on fait nous, si on veut jouer des morceaux comme Otherside des Ret Hot Chili peppers par exemple! help help! pensez aux batteurs svp! :!: <i>Sans doute parce que la plupart des webmasters ne jouent pas de batterie...</i>

Apprentie batteuse désespérée, 13 Mar 2008.

this is the first site I've checked out for free tabs; I agree, wish there were more--like that it is exclusively acoustic; great job, otherwise!

karacuda, 13 Mar 2008.

c'est un super site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... :!: :) :heart: ;) :D :8 :x :zzz:

loulou, 10 Mar 2008.


RAC, 06 Mar 2008.

i really lyk this ite it rocks:heart: :) :D :8 :hum: :zzz: :!: :x

ShanShan, 01 Mar 2008.

This site is pretty nice visually, and the thought of having an all acoustic site is appealing, however.... it seems somewhat limited at the moment. If more tabs were added (I'm refering mainly to tabs in English.), this site would be superb. With a little work, the idea behind this website would be able to show its true colors, but presently it presents that acoustic guitars themselves are very limited, which is not at all the case. But, I also realize that this is a work in progress, and therefore must give my regards to the work already done. Good work! <i>Hi Trinkles, thanks a lot for taking time to write this nice message. I agree that there are not enough guitar tabs here, but as you may know all our tabs are exclusively tabbed for the website and it takes a lot of time... We exist since 2002 and we can only add 4 more tabs a month cause we don't have the time to do better while to garanteeing at least 99% of accuracy ;)</i>

Trinkles, 29 Feb 2008.

Hey, Your site is awsome you have helped me be a better musician.

Andrew, 28 Feb 2008.

Found the site and fairly impressed with the work so far. Would like to see more though...maybe some Foo Fighters ;)

m.c., 27 Feb 2008.

Tabs du blues et escales

barry, 26 Feb 2008.

c'est cool

fghfghfgh, 25 Feb 2008.

need to add more

matt guitar murphy, 21 Feb 2008.

just chekin out tha site trying to read these frigin tabs

jjimster, 16 Feb 2008.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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(Jerzy Kosinski)