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Angie tab

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Tablature gratuite Angie pour guitare acoustique. Partition The Rolling Stones avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: Angie Ukulele

Accords (9)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord C (x,3,2,0,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Dm (x,x,0,2,3,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord E7 (0,2,0,1,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord A# (x,1,3,3,3,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Bb (x,1,3,3,3,1)


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Intro : 
            Am Am                    E7 E7

  G G                 F F              F F               C C                E7 E7

1st verse :
Am Am     E7 E7
 Angie, Angie
G       -        A# --- F     -      F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 When will those clouds all disappear?
Am Am      E7 E7
 Angie, Angie
G     -        A#---F   -   F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 Where will it lead us from here?

Chorus :
        G G                          Dm Dm     -     Am Am         -
With no lovin' in our souls and no money in our coats
C C    -     F F       -       G G
 You can't say we're satisfied

2nd verse :
    Am Am     E7 E7
But Angie, Angie
G    -     A#---F    -     F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 You can't say  we never tried
Am Am             E7 E7
 Angie, you're beautiful,
G     -       A#---F     -      F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 But ain't it time we said good-bye
Am Am     E7 E7
 Angie, I still love ya,
G    -    A#---F       -          F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 Remember all  those nights of cryin'
Chorus :
        G G                                 Dm Dm     -     Am Am      -
All the dreams we held so close seemed to all go up in smoke
C C  -   F F       -       G G
Let me whisper in your ear

3rd verse :
Am Am     E7 E7
Angie, Angie
G      -       A#---F   -   F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 Where will it lead us from here?

Solo : [Am Am][E7 E7][G G-A# A#---F F-][F F---Em Em---Dm Dm---C C-]  x2

Chorus :
    G G                               Dm Dm       -        Am Am       -
Oh, Angie, don't you weep, all your kisses they taste sweet
C C     -     F F       -       G G
I hate that sadness in your eyes

4th verse :
    Am Am     E7 E7
But Angie, Angie
G    -    Bb---F     -     F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 Ain't it time we said goodbye?

[Am Am][E7 E7][G G-A# A#---F F-][F F---Em Em---Dm Dm---C C-]

Chorus :
         G G                         Dm Dm     -     Am Am      -
With no lovin' in our souls and no money in our coats
C C    -     F F       -       G G
 You can't say we're satisfied

Bridge :
    Dm Dm                      Am Am
But Angie, I still love ya, baby,
Dm Dm                              Am Am
 Everywhere I look, I see your eyes
Dm Dm                              Am Am
 There ain't a woman that comes close to you
C C    -   F F      -        G G
 Come on baby, dry your eyes

Ending :
    Am Am     E7 E7
But Angie, Angie
G    -    Bb---F    -     F --- Em --- Dm --- C -
 Ain't it good to be alive?
    Am Am     E7 E7
But Angie, Angie
G    -     A#---F    -     F --- Em --- Dm --- C>let ring
 You can't say  we never tried


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Le vase donne une forme au vide, et la musique au silence.
(Georges Braque)