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Trouble tab

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Tablature gratuite Trouble pour guitare acoustique. Partition Coldplay avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: Trouble Ukulele

Accords (7)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
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Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
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Accord F#m (2,4,4,2,2,2)
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Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Bm (x,2,4,4,3,2)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord A (x,0,2,2,2,0)
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Main riff :


Intro : main riff x2

1st verse :
G G - Em Em   Bm Bm
 Oh no I see 
   F F     -      Am Am      -       G G    -
A A spider web is tangled up with me 
      Em Em   -  Bm Bm
And I lost my head 
    F F        -          Am Am       -        G G
And thought of all the stupid things I’d said 

main riff x1

2nd verse :
G G - Em Em    -   Bm Bm
 Oh no what’s this
   F F       -         Am Am        -          G G    -
A A spider web and I’m caught in the middle 
     Em Em    -   Bm Bm
So I turned to run and 
F F        -         Am Am       -        G G
Thought of all the stupid things I’d done 

Chorus :
    A A                               Em Em
And ah I never meant to cause you trouble 
A A                           Em Em
Ah I never meant to do you wrong 
A A                              Em Em
Ah well if I ever caused you trouble 
A A                             Em Em>let ring
Oh no I never meant to do you harm

Main riff x1

3rd verse :
G G - Em Em - Bm Bm    
 Oh no I see 
   F F          -       Am Am               G G    -
A A spider web and it’s me in the middle 
    Em Em    -    Bm Bm
so I twist and turn 
    F F      -     Am Am       -       G G
But here am I in my little bubble 

Chorus :
            A A                               Em Em
Singing out ah i never meant to cause you trouble 
A A                          Em Em                  
ah i never meant to do you wrong 
A A                              Em Em
Ah well if I ever caused you trouble
A A                             Em Em>let ring
Oh no I never meant to do you harm. 

Solo : [G G-Em Em][Bm Bm] x4

Ending :
Em Em   -    F#m F#m  - G G - F#m F#m - Em Em
 and they spun a web for   me 
Em Em   F#m F#m    G G   F#m F#m Em Em
they spun a web for me 
Em Em       F#m F#m    G G   F#m F#m Em Em>let ring
and they spun a web for me


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Le vase donne une forme au vide, et la musique au silence.
(Georges Braque)