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A Song For The Lovers tab

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Tablature gratuite A song for the lovers pour guitare acoustique. Partition Richard Ashcroft avec accords pour débutant
Version Ukulélé: A song for the lovers Ukulele

Accords (6)

Comment lire et jouer les accords

Accord Dm (x,x,0,2,3,1)
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Accord E (0,2,2,1,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Em (0,2,2,0,0,0)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord F (1,3,3,2,1,1)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord G (3,2,0,0,3,3)
Voir photo de l'accord
Accord Am (x,0,2,2,1,0)
Voir photo de l'accord


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Comment lire une Tablature

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Changer de tonalité :
Intro: [Am Am][G G][F F][E E] x2

1st verse :
            Am Am          G G                      
I spend the night yeah, looking for my insides
       F F                      E E
In the hotel room waiting for you
                        Am Am        G G
We're gonna make it tonight yeah, something in the air tells me
    F F                                E E
the time is right so we'd better get on

Chorus :
       F F                    Em Em      Dm Dm      E E
And DJ play a song for the lovers tonight
F F                            Em Em      Dm Dm      E E
Please, play a song for the lovers tonight

2nd verse :
             Am Am                      G G                       
You know I'm waiting Lord  I've been waiting all my life
            F F                         E E
But I'm too late again know but I was scared
          Am Am         G G      
Can't you see Oh I'm moving like a train
          F F                          E E
Into some foreign land I ain't got a ticket for this ride

Chorus :
F F                      Em Em       Dm Dm      E E   
Ooh play a song for my lover tonight
     F F                       Em Em      Dm Dm      E E
And dJ play the song for my lover tonight

Solo : [Am Am][G G][F F][E E] x2

Chorus :
   F F                       Em Em       Dm Dm      E E
DJ play It’s a song for my lover tonight
F F                      Em Em      Dm Dm      E E
Please a song for my lover tonight
    F F                      Em Em        Dm Dm     E E
And dJ play a song for the lovers tonight
F F                           Em Em        Dm Dm      E E
Please, play a song for the lovers tonight

Ending : [F F][Em Em][Dm Dm][E E] x4


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Le vase donne une forme au vide, et la musique au silence.
(Georges Braque)