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Guitar Chord : Fm/C

Guitar chord diagram Fm/C (8 8 10 10 9 8) with photos and fingering positions.
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Chord diagram, Fm/C (8,8,10,10,9,8)
Notes :
Fingering(s) :
Chord notes : F (P), E# (),
Alternative Reading : 8 8 10 10 9 8

Other positions for this chords

Chord Fm/C (8,8,10,10,9,8)

Chord charts to download

Basic Guitar Chord Charts (PDF) Basic Guitar Chord Charts - 0.2Mb
Basic Guitar Chord Charts (PNG) Basic Guitar Chord Charts - 0.2Mb
Main Guitar Chord Charts (PDF) Main Guitar Chord Charts - 0.2Mb
Full Guitar Chord Charts (PDF) Full Guitar Chord Charts - 0.5Mb
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(Robert Fripp)